What we do

At Omega Ecology we have a vast experience in protected species and ecological surveying. Our expert ecologists are proficient in designing a mitigation and compensation strategy suitable for submission for a derogation license. Contact us for free advice. We provide bespoke management plans for the individual requirements of every client, both commercial and domestic. Another of our specialties are habitat surveys.

Why you might need a habitat survey

The governments 2012 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out that protected species are a material consideration in the planning process. With this in mind, most local planning authorities now require evidence of the presence or likely absence of protected species and the extent to which they will be affected by development before they will determine a planning application. Many species of plant and animal are also protected by legislation, so their presence or likely absence should be established to allow appropriate measures to be put in place, if necessary.

Extended phase 1 habitat surveys

Conducting an extended phase 1 habitat survey is normally the first step in assessing the ecological value of a site and the likely effects of the proposed development. Local Planning Authorities normally require an extended phase 1 habitat survey to be undertaken where the proposals could impact designated sites, protected habitats or protected species.

We offer a wide range of animal surveys including

  • Bats
  • Reptiles
  • Water Voles
  • Amphibians

Find out more about what we offer here

European badger UK bat Red fox UK bat